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Instant Link Indexer

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API Settings & Documentation
This page is for software developers who want to integrate the InstantLinkIndexer API into their own software or service!

Integrating our API into your products will only benefit You and Your customers for even more Automation, time saving and ease of use!

The InstantLinkIndexer API provides an easy interface for programmers to embed InstantLinkIndexer functions in their own programs or online services directly. The InstantLinkIndexer API is very easy to use - it uses HTTP Requests to receive Your commands, process them and return a result.

In case You are in need of a test API Key to test Your code implementations and integration simply register Yourself an account (it is absolutely free to register) and then Contact Us to set Your account to a developer one!



You Must use HTTP POST Method only when communicating with our API

Name Type Description
apikey string User's unique API Key used for authentication. Each user can find his own API Key within his account at our website
cmd string Command to execute. Possible values:

remaininglimit - Returns the remaining Links submission Credits available for the authenticated user

submit - Submits Links into the system for Indexing
campaign string A campaign name under which the URLs sent will be assigned. Campaigns are used in our system to help out customers organize their submitted URLs by groups. If this variable is omitted or is left blank our system will create a campaign with current date time stamp. If a campaign with the name provided already exists, our system will automatically add some random characters to its end.

This variable is used only when performing a cmd=submit command
This variable can be omited or left blank if You are performing a cmd=remaininglimit command
dripfeed string Specifies Scheduling options. There are 2 possible values:
XX_days - Drip feed all links within XX days
disabled - Submit All Links ASAP (No Dripfeeding).

Ofcourse replace XX with your desired values. If this variable is omitted or left blank our system will set a default value of Drip feed all links within 7 days

Minimum value is 2 days and Maximum value is 30 days!

Example: dripfeed=30_days will dripfeed all submitted links within 30 days Example: dripfeed=disabled will mark all links for immediate processing

This variable is used only when performing a cmd=submit command
This variable can be omited or left blank if You are performing a cmd=remaininglimit command
urls string This is a string collection of all Links that will be submitted to our system. Delimiter between each URL can be | (single pipe) or a new line. If more links than the available user's link submission Credits are tried to be submitted, our system will accept only that much as the remaining limit is!

This variable is used only when performing a cmd=submit command
This variable can be omited or left blank if You are performing a cmd=remaininglimit command
reporturl anything This is completely optional variable used only when submitting links via the API!

If you include this variable in the query our system will return not just OK upon links submission, but will return OK|URL, where URL is the Public Campgaign Report URL

This variable is used only when performing a cmd=submit command
This variable can be omited or left blank if You are performing a cmd=remaininglimit command


Any response from our Remote API is in plan text format!

###### - Returns the User's Remaining Link Submission Credits, where ###### is the actual limit number

OK - Returned if everything went smooth on a Links Submission Query

ERROR: xxxxxxxxx.....xxxxxx - Returned upon encountering an error. Description of the exact error is displayed as well

You can check the rest of the tabs found on top of this page for real code examples written in various programming languages!

Having problems implementing Your code to use with Our API? You discovered a bug in our API? Don't hesitate to Contact Us

Don't forget to Contact Us once You integrated our API into Your software or online service and do some link exchanges and cross promotion of our products for even bigger audience!
Retrieve Remaining Link Submission Credits

// build the POST query string

// Do the API Request using CURL functions
$ch = curl_init();

echo $response;

Links Submission

// All Links to be sent are hold in an array for example

// build the POST query string and join the URLs array with | (single pipe)

// Do the API Request using CURL functions
$ch = curl_init();
Links Submission - Web Client
Dim Apikey As String = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"
Dim Campaign As String = "CAMPAIGN_NAME_HERE"
Dim Urls() As List(Of String) = {"",""}

Dim Qstring As String = "apikey=" & Apikey & "&cmd=submit&campaign=" & Campaign & "&urls=" & Join(Urls.ToArray, "|")

   Dim wb As WebClient = New WebClient
   wb.Proxy = Nothing
   wb.UploadString("", "POST", Qstring)
   Catch ex As WebException
End Try

Links Submission - HTTP Web Requests
Dim Apikey As String = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"
Dim Campaign As String = "CAMPAIGN_NAME_HERE"
Dim Urls() As List(Of String) = {"",""}

Dim Qstring As String = "apikey=" & UrlEncode(Apikey) & "&cmd=submit&campaign=" & UrlEncode(Campaign) & "&urls=" & UrlEncode(Join(Urls.ToArray, "|"))

   Dim myHttpWebRequest As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(""), HttpWebRequest)
   myHttpWebRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = True
   myHttpWebRequest.Timeout = 40000
   myHttpWebRequest.ReadWriteTimeout = 40000
   myHttpWebRequest.Method = "POST"
   myHttpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

   Dim postBuffer As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Qstring)
   myHttpWebRequest.ContentLength = postBuffer.Length
   Dim requestStream As Stream = myHttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
   requestStream.Write(postBuffer, 0, postBuffer.Length)

   Dim myHttpWebResponse As HttpWebResponse = CType(myHttpWebRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)

   Dim streamIn As StreamReader = New StreamReader(myHttpWebResponse.GetResponseStream())
   Catch e As WebException
End Try
Links Submission
string Apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE";
string Campaign = "CAMPAIGN_NAME_HERE";
List[] Urls = {

string Qstring = "apikey=" + UrlEncode(Apikey) + "&cmd=submit&campaign=" + UrlEncode(Campaign) + "&urls=" + UrlEncode(Strings.Join(Urls.ToArray, "|"));

try {
WebClient wb = new WebClient();
wb.Proxy = null;
wb.UploadString("", "POST", Qstring);
} catch (WebException ex) {
We have worked together with the developers of some of the most famous and widely used SEO Linkbuilding tools to provide You even easier way to get Your links Indexed!

Our Link Indexing service is currently Integrated with the following Link Building programs, so that You only need to insert Your API key in the settings and the programs automatically send Your links to us all the time!

Below You can find detailed instrunctions how to Integrate with each SEO Linkbuilding Tools

Step by Step instructions for integrating properly Your account with GSA Search Engine Ranker

  1. In GSA SER click on Options button on very top of the screen
  2. In the left sidebar click Indexing
  3. Tick Use on the right side of the screen and paste Your API InstantLinkIndexer Key
  4. Click OK to save the settings!

Step by Step instructions for integrating properly Your account with Magic Submitter

  1. In Magic Submitter go to the Options and select the Setup Indexing tab
  2. At top of the screen tick Use Indexing Service if it is not enabled already
  3. Click on the checkbox and in the field beneath it paste Your API Key
  4. At bottom of the screen click the Save button and You are done!

Step by Step instructions for integrating properly Your account with Senuke XCr

  1. In Senuke XCr in the top buttons bar, click on New and select Toolbox
  2. A new Toolbox Project appeared in the list of your Projects, waiting to be named, so simply name it InstantLinkIndexer
  3. Double click on the InstantLinkIndexer project and its settings window will open up
  4. At almost bottom of the settings windows that poped up locate section named Query URL
  5. In field URL paste the following:
  6. In next field named Parameter Name type: urls
  7. Once You are done filling those fields, hit the Test button located just below them. It will send a test query to our service and if all went fine You should see a new campaign created at Your InstantLinkIndexer account containing one link in it.
  8. If all went fine till here, You can hit the Start button on top of the window and that will send all links to Your InstantLinkIndexer account, or you can schedule the Project and etc..

Step by Step instructions for integrating properly Your account with Ultimate Demon

  1. In Ultimate Demon click on the Ping tab on very top of the screen
  2. Somewhere in the middle of the screen Look for DEMON INDEX API and click on the settings button next to it
  3. In the box that appeared set the following details
  4. for API URL set
  5. for API KEY set Your InstantLinkIndexer API Key
  6. Click OK to save the settings!

Step by Step instructions for integrating properly Your account with Backlink Monitor

  1. Run Backlink Monitor
  2. Click Settings from the very top menu and select 3rd Party APIs
  3. Select the first Indexers tab if it's not already selected
  4. From the Service dropdown, select
  5. In field Name type InstantLinkIndexer
  6. In field API Key paste Your InstantLinkIndexer API Key
  7. Click Save
  8. Click OK to close the API Setup window

Step by Step instructions for integrating properly Your account with BuildMyTraffic.Net

  1. In the main BMT account control panel, press on the "Link Indexer" tool, found in the bottom left side part of the app
  2. Select "Instant Link Indexer" from the options
  3. Press "Submit to selected Index service"

That's it! Remember that you need to have previously submitted PBN posts with the main BMT tool in order to be able to submit your links for indexation.